E-Learning Links
e-Learning – A virtual option for Inclement Weather

The following memorandum describes how our school district will be utilizing e-Learning during inclement weather and snow days.
The winter of 2013-2014 might well go down in the record books for having many negative consequences for Hoosier’s but one positive that came out of that winter was learning for many of our Indiana schools continued in spite of the weather. Over forty schools and districts took advantage of the Virtual Option for Inclement Weather last year and had teaching and learning happening online. While we are hoping for more mild winters in the future, Northwestern Consolidated Schools of Shelby County partner with the IDOE to offer the Virtual Option during the schools year.
The Virtual Option can be used in two ways. First, districts may use it on a make-up day or for make-up hours. This option allows for districts to open a school during the make-up time to provide students that might have some challenges learning away from the building (i.e. supervision, internet and computer access, special need accommodations, etc.).
Second, the Virtual Option can be used on an inclement weather day. This option is a much heavier lift for the district as all special considerations for ALL students must still be addressed and met away from the buildings.
Realizing that each district is unique and comes with their own challenges, Northwest Consolidated School District will have their own strategies to meet these challenges for our students, our families and our community. NWCSD will ensure that learning is happening for ALL students and will follow the criteria set by the state.
Have questions? Need help? Call the Technology Help Desk at 317-480-1298.